Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Art Passion

I remember my bachelor days when I was jobless for several months and during those idle times I ventured into art using soft pastels. Created about 3-4 works but gave 2 to friends and the remaining 2 happened to be lost at home.

Today I felt like taking it up again after more than 20 years. So, after work, I got myself a pack of soft pastels (Rm15) and upon reaching home, started with a portrait of Our Lady and Child printed on a calendar. Took me about an hour to reproduce the picture on a 8" x 8" art paper.
(Click on pictures to enlarge..)

Now, what you think of that :-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sleep Apnea (continued ../2)

So I got myself a referral letter from a company doctor and after having obtained a guarantee letter I went to Gleneagles and admitted myself for a night (Friday, 28th August 2009). After a healthy dinner (not necessarily tasty) in my room a technician came over and strapped me up with a device programmed to take some readings during sleep.

It wasn't uncomfortable but, during sleep, one part of the cable would come off, and later the tube from my nostrils came off, and so forth. Other than that I guessed my snoring took centre stage throughout the night. The night staff outside would have been laughing at the noise though they did not show it wen I awoke early the following day.

A week passed before I was called by the specialist when the report was ready. The first words that greeted me was, "I've never come across any patient with such a very severe OSA! In fact, yours was the worst!" Funny, that revelation didn't surprise me.

After some explanation which was not really helpful the specialist said that the same technician, who earlier strapped me up, would come over to my home and let me try on the CPAP machine (continuous positive airway pressure) for a week.

Well, he did come, and after explaining how the machine works, and fits over my face, he guaranteed that the next morning I would wake up feeling fresh like I've never experience it before. Now that really excited me!

Little did I realise that the first night was the beginning of daily frustration that words cannot express..

to be continued.. (it's getting late..)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Start Your Own Business!

Here's a golden opportunity to start your own business! This is where I am also working and if you want to know more, click on the following:

Spend a little time to know more - it may change your life!