Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Atitudes, attitudes! MH17 News - National day of mourning

For the first time, a national day of mourning
Published: Saturday August 2, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM 

I read today's news (click the link above) with much disdain and noticed such attitude inbred among many Malaysians.

The Star Online reporter, quoted "In an unprece­dented move, Malaysia will observe a day of mourning for the victims of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 tragedy – and it will be on par or better than the respectful and dignified ceremony by the Dutch."

Skimming through the article to find a reference point linking the phrase to our minister (Datuk Jailani Johari, Deputy Communication and Multimedia Minister) but all he reportedly said was: “The standard of recognition for the victims should not be any less than what was accorded by the Dutch government when the remains arrived in the Netherlands,” he said yesterday."

It would seemed like the reporter has been a product of mindless and incessant droning of the "Malaysia Boleh" paranoia. Why the need to be better than the Dutch? Or better than everyone? Why did the reporter assume that we, Malaysians, are like her, having to prove ourselves? Me, I never needed to prove myself in anything - I just do it, if I could. Nobody needed to know if I could - they just wanted to know if I did it.

Such apparent exhibit of constant desire to excel in everything everywhere everytime should be set aside while maintaining professionalism in journalism. News can be "juicy" without having to form your own juicy suggestions!

What about you? Do you also need to prove yourself?