Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Big company, poor management

You know what sucks? When big company makes big money from you and me and even more money from poor management at our expenses.

My Astro decoder went bust last month and a technician was dispatched the next day. After confirming the unit was faulty I had to pay RM160+ for a new set. That's okay with me considering the 5-6 years it served me. But what irks me was when I received my next monthly bill I was charged a RM10 registration fee! When I called the customer service she quoted that it was for the re-registration since I had changed the decoder. I argued that everything had a lifespan and not like it's my fault it went bust. She again repeated the same reason and I was tempted to tell her I was not ready to communicate with a parrot.

I am already a registered customer and I don't need to be re-registered again. I know that they have to re-register the new decoder to my account, so just go ahead and punch in the required commands in the system to re-register it. It is a matter of whether you know how to use the system function, not a matter of new subscriber. And it's not like they replaced my spoilt unit for free. Watch out, it could happen to you too..

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