Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Drivers you'd love to hate

Been driving for the past 16 years, including the early 6 months without license. Bet you have on many occasion loose your cool on the road though no fault of the Malaysian climate, nor your air-conditioning. Anyway, here's my top list:

Potong-masuk (Cutting in without signalling)
Ever hear of the song titled 'Something in the way she moves..'? Well, some cars move that way. You'll know from the way they try to maintain their lane but you could 'feel' they.. Then suddenly, before you could even finish your sentences, they swerve right in front of you and continues on your lane! These are the type of drivers who believe that signalling will deprive them the chance to cut lanes. These are certainly the kind of drivers I'd rev my accelerator and drive along side them and only then will they admit defeat and start signalling. How I just love to give them driving tips, and for free!

Mindless drivers
Then there are those who drive like they've been cooped up at home for too long and need to savour their freedom, taking a slow drive around impervious to the already impatient drivers behind. Don't know what they're thinking, or if they're actually thinking. Just mindlessly driving with no purpose..

Road litterer
Seriously! Like they have this compulsive desire to keep their cars immaculate and bacteria free, you see tissues, crumpled paper, and whatnot mindlessly tossed out of their windows right smack in front of you. Don't you wish you had earlier applied for a post in the police academy? At least then you could summon the culprits to pull over and issue them a coupon or two. Me, appalled though I am, I'm just as guilty for disposing of my cigarette butt out the window. There, no points for me..

Mobile drivers
As if driving ain't mobile enough, they have to have a mobile phone manually stuck to their head while expertly maneuvering through the traffic. Especially those driving expensive cars, don't want to look any more extravagant buying a bluetooth headset, cos money already spent on high car maintenance. Tried that last month, just once and was instantly rewarded with a hefty summons! Currently looking for sponsors to settle the fine..

I know we've all been there, done that. But pleeze... not while driving. These types are so much into each other, heads swinging to and from each other, blood rushing in excitement, but behind cars pitifully at snail's pace while, on your left and right, cars buzzed by you.

Accidental tourists
Tourists come, see, and go. After the long and tiresome pumping exercise on the brake and accelerator you finally get to see the reason for the long traffic jam. That's not so bad. What's worse is when the accident actually occurred on the other side of the highway!

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